Friday, June 5, 2020

Special Update: Now Allowing Reprints

Hello everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I have amended the submission guidelines here at MYTHIC: A Quarterly Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine to allow REPRINTS! That's right, we are now going to include a mix of NEW and REPRINT stories in each issue of MYTHIC. 

I've been thinking about doing this for a while and finally just said 'why not.'

As of today, and during this new submissions period, I am also accepting reprint stories for upcoming publications. Please review the amended submissions guidelines for more information. If you have questions, send me a message here via the contact form. 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

MYTHIC #13 Now Available!

Hi everyone. I am happy to announce the release of MYTHIC #13. The goal of getting the release schedule back on track continues and I'm nearly there. For now, if you haven't already, please pick up a copy of Issue #13 or consider a one-tim subscription or becoming an ongoing Patreon.

Here's what's inside MYTHIC #13:

The Unkillable Man by Topher Froehlich

Borderland by Barry Charman

The Dead Thing at the Bottom of the Pool by Karl El-Koura

A Different Sort of Death by Tom Jolly

The Frost Mother by Caitlin E. Jones

Parley by Sean Patrick Hazlett

Blood in the River, Tears on the Sand by Timothy Mudie

The Belly by Katie Gray

Goodbye, Blue 42 by John Waterfall

Wall of Thorns by Shaun Kilgore