The primary way we are counting new subscribers will be to use sign ups to Patreon. There are three different levels of support you can pledge and receive eBook and print subscriptions or both—$2, $5, and $10 a month.
As mentioned in the previous post, I've decided to move MYTHIC to a monthly publication but have dropped the story count to four new/original works, 1 or 2 reprint stories, various nonfiction content such as articles or reviews.
By paying the current rate of 1 CENT A WORD for original and a $25 flat rate for REPRINT fiction, I would need something like $250-$300 a month to pay for a single issue. That means, the more subscribers I have the more money there is available to raise the rates or increase the number of stories, etc.
Subscriber Goal
Currently, we only have 17 Patreon subscribers. While I did pick up a number of new ones in the Subscription Drive last year through Kickstarter, more are needed to pay for monthly issues of MYTHIC. Depending on the number of new subscribers I receive, I will be able to pay authors more for their stories as well as do other things like add original artwork to the issues.
I've decided to start with one goal and add other when/if we meet the first one.
Goal #1: 100 new subscribers