This Summer 2021 issue of MYTHIC: A Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine includes a slew of speculative fiction by Sean Patrick Hazlett, Andrew Kozma, David A. Riley, Fija Callghan, Erica Ciko Campbell, Ron Mucklestone, Maree Brittenford, Robert Runté, Geoffrey Hart, and Jen Downes as well as nonfiction by Joshua Grasso and book and film reviews by Kieran Judge and Frank Kaminski respectively.
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Print books will be available on this site but copies can be purchased from Amazon and other online retailers...
Here's what you'll find inside:
Editor’s Note: Setbacks | Shaun Kilgore
Curator of Curiosities | Fija Callaghan
The Conch | Ron Mucklestone
The Jester of Arathos | Erica Ciko Campbell
Rehab for Super-Villains | Maree Brittenfortd
The Children Will Lead Us | Andrew Kozma
The Killer App | Sean Patrick Hazlett
Baal the Necromancer | David A. Riley
The Changeling and the Bully | Robert Runté
Awakenings | Geoffery Hart
Happy Hour | Jen Downes
Nonfiction: Tolkien and the Prophecy of Language | Joshua Grasso
Book Review: Ten Low by Stark Holborn | Kieran Judge
Film Review: Annihilation | Frank Kaminski