I have been struggling with some decisions lately regarding the future of MYTHIC. As some of you might recall, I put the magazine on a hiatus which I soon rescinded. Then, given other circumstances in my life, I decided to reduce the number of issues of the magazine produced yearly from four to two. Earlier this year, I ran a subscription drive through Kickstarter that fielded me a crop of new subscribers and technically allowed me to raise the pay rate for stories.
However, it didn't adequately address the needs over time. I was thinking too short term. I realized that despite the great success of the campaign that I would not be able to keep MYTHIC in operation for more than a few issues at the current pay rate. I just don't have enough subscribers or other support to sustain into 2022.
So, I've decided to drop the pay rate back to 1 CENT A WORD until I can get enough funding and more importantly subscribers to sustain a whole year and even beyond at higher pay rates. This may be a disappointment to the many writers who have sent submissions. (Yes, I'm reading your submissions, but there are lots of them, so I ask for patience.)
In turn, I am using the funds I've received to return to QUARTERLY ISSUES OF MYTHIC since I feel that having new fiction available more frequently makes better sense if I'm trying to court both readers and new subscribers.
There will be a new subscription drive either at the end of this year or the beginning of the next and I will take into better account what makes sense to grow MYTHIC. I need a ton more subscribers to keep this publication viable so I need all of your help. Spread the word about MYTHIC.
Given my decision to do quarterly issues, I will be announcing a slightly late summer issue and will be following it with a fall and a winter one as well.