Back in mid-2016, when I started the ground work of getting MYTHIC off the ground and preparing for the first issue that would appear at the end of the year, I not only made a call for subscribers but also set up a Patreon page for the magazine. I set it up intending to utilize the service vigorously but other concerns related to the production of the magazine and the scheduling of submission periods put this on the back burner.
Now that I know a bit about producing a magazine and am coming up on the sixth issue of MYTHIC I wanted come back to Patreon and give it a bit of a makeover. So, I did. You can visit the page and see the results. My goal is stabilize the current funding needs of the magazine in terms of author pay and then immediate start building enough of a community of patrons that the pay for authors can begin rising to the professional level.
For readers and subscribers, I hope to add some additional value to MYTHIC's Patreon and give you some exclusive access to what's happening here and how I am striving to make the magazine better and better all the time, trying new things, and hopefully sharing all of this with you while delivering you quality writing from a host of great fiction writers.
There are four tiers: $1, $2, $5, and $10. The upper two allow you to get regular issues of MYTHIC.
Please, consider joining us. Help me do great things with MYTHIC. It'll be fun too.