The hits keep coming folks. I'm writing this to inform everyone that MYTHIC must go on hiatus while I sort out how to proceed with the magazine. Even with the gains of the most recent Kickstarter, I've fallen short on the funds and other resources to establish and firm production and release schedule on what was planned to be a monthly publication.
Further financial setbacks have forced me to devote more time to securing my personal well-being and financial circumstances than to most other things that aren't providing immediate financial gain.
What does this mean for MYTHIC? It means I need time to figure this out and determine the best way forward for myself and for the magazine. I have to figure out what I can actually do given my own status.
I'm sorry for this turn of events. I've only ever wanted to produce a first-rate magazine of sci-fi and fantasy fiction—and do so consistently.
I do hope to return with good news.
Shaun Kilgore