Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Kickstarter Stretch Goals

Great news, gang! The subscription drive I ran on Kickstarter has fully funded.  I have the means of paying authors 1 CENT A WORD for the two issues of MYTHIC that will come out this year. But I don't want to stop there. One of the main goals other than gaining new subscribers and building that base was to improve pay for the authors. With that in mind, I am asking for your participation in raising additional funds to meet thresholds for new pay scales until we hit professional market level. Here is a quick breakdown:

If we hit $3,500 the pay goes to 2 CENTS A WORD for new fiction

If we hit $4,500 the pay goes to 3 CENTS A WORD for new fiction

If we hit $5,500 the pay goes to 4 CENTS A WORD for new fiction

If we hit $6,500 the pay goes to 5 CENTS A WORD for new fiction

If we hit $7,500 the pay goes to 6 CENTS A WORD for new fiction

I would really like to reach pro level pay of at least 5 if not 6 CENTS A WORD!

Consider supporting the Kickstarter and choose from different rewards including those with subscription options. 



Shaun Kilgore

Editor, MYTHIC