I've been thinking about writing this message for some time now, but have kept holding off, and thinking it over some more. But, I believe I'm come to a point where I can no longer delay the inevitable. I am going to suspend new releases of MYTHIC: A Quarterly Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine and will be on an indefinite hiatus. Essentially, I'm closing the magazine down.
This hasn't been an easy decision for me. Starting MYTHIC back in 2016 was a fulfillment of a dream for me. I had always wanted a publication of quality speculative fiction. But it's been a tough road trying to manage a magazine like MYTHIC single-handedly. If you've been around the whole journey, you know what I mean.
Beyond internal logistics, there has also been the mammoth challenge of finding and retaining subscribers. The lifeblood of any magazine is its subscribers and I've just not managed to get enough of a response. I've done both print and eBook editions almost the entire time and have included both options in subscriptions. I owe a major debt to my patrons on Patreon for their continued support, some of them from the beginning of this endeavor. Without them, MYTHIC would have ended long ago.
I give my thanks also to of the all of the writers who've submitted stories to me and to those who graced the pages of MYTHIC. I'm so glad for that experience.
So what does all this mean now?
Well, first, I want you all to know that there will be two more issues of MYTHIC before year's end. The last two issues in fact. All told, I will have produced fifteen solid issues of my quarterly science fiction and fantasy magazine. But it remains to be seen what will happen in 2021. I've begun to close up the shop so to speak. I will be re-evaluating the whole matter come January of the new year.
For now, I will be turning my attention to editing anthologies of my own and continuing the work I do as the publisher over at Founders House Publishing LLC.
My thanks to you all.
Shaun Kilgore
Editor, MYTHIC