Sunday, September 9, 2018

Patreon and MYTHIC Subscriptions

Greetings Friends of MYTHIC,

I'm writing to inform  you all of some changes that have been made to the Patreon page for the magazine. For those of you who do not know what Patreon is, it is a form of crowdfunding platform for creative projects. Just as with the patronage of art that gave us the works of Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and so many other talented, artists, writers, and musicians in the past, Patreon allows each of you to support the arts--and projects like my science fiction and fantasy magazine.

Patreon is also a membership service so you can select from different tiers or levels of support and become a member and receive members-only content and other rewards. In my case, I decided to really focus on that aspect and establish three different subscription levels.

Here they are:

$2 - eBook Subscription

You will receive issues MYTHIC in the EBOOK format of your choice.  (PDF, MOBI, EPUB) You will get updates, cover reveals, and you will be listed on the website and in MYTHIC as a supporter. You will also receive eBook back issues every six months

$5 - Paper/eBook Subscription

You will receive issues of MYTHIC in Print and eBook (EPUB, MOBI, PDF ) formats. You will get updates, cover reveals, and you will be listed on the website and in MYTHIC as a supporter. You will also receive paper and eBook back issues of MYTHIC every six months. After a month of support, you become eligible for select discounts and special offers.

$10 - Premium Paper/eBook Subscription

You will receive issues of MYTHIC in Print and ebook (EPUB, MOBI, PDF) formats. You will get updates, cover reveals, and you will be listed on the website and in MYTHIC as a supporter. You will also receive print and eBook back issues every three months. Supporters at this level also are eligible for special discounts and offers on books, Patron-only rewards, and other exclusives. 

This makes things simpler, I think. 

I would also like to add that my first goal for Patreon funding is $250 per month of support. This will let me keep publishing fiction every quarter. The amount covers the current flat rate per story costs and so this is about paying the talented authors that grace the pages of MYTHIC every issue. So, become a Patron and support the arts!

Become a Patron!